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Option B)

Question should be framed correctly. In a set of codewords with hamming distance 2t + 1 , t errors can be corrected.
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A code is t-errors correcting if, and only if, the minimum Hamming distance between any two of its codewords is at least 2t+1. 

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1 votes

Hamming Distance

Detection: Minimum Distance = Number of error bits to be detected + 1

Correction: Minimum Distance = 2 * Number of error bits to be corrected + 1


Given, Minimum Distance = 2t + 1

According to the correction formula,

Number of error bits to be corrected = (Minimum Distance - 1)/2

Number of error bits to be corrected = (2t + 1 - 1)/2  = 2t / 2 = t (Answer)

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B should be the Answer

because in "t" bit Error Detaction we need minimum distance = t+1

and in "t" bit Error Correction we need minimum distance = 2t+1

for good read,of%202d%20%2B%201%20is%20required.



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