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my question is whether we have a shortcut an idea which can help us in recognizing any language to be regular or not,in GATE .and also what is the best way to get it properly done when you want to do it the old school way?

1 Answer

Best answer
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6 votes
Check following thing .

1. Is DFA/NFA or regular expressions possible or not (especially in case of WW, WWr, W1W2.....)

2. String matching ---> non regular

3. Counting comparison ---> non regular

4. Power is non linear ---> non regular

5. If finite then regular.. it doesn't matter comparison or string matching or power is non linear if language is finite it must be regular.. even finite subset of non regular is regular..

Still some more but questions base on these 5 points frequently asked in GATE..

referhrefer : http://gatecse.in/wiki/Identify_the_class_of_the_language
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