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Answer is (D)

The spelling difference between beside and besides is a small one, but their meanings and uses are quite different!

BESIDE, with no “s” at the end, is used only as a preposition, which means there is always a noun following it. It means either “next to” or “compared to,” as shown in the examples below. The first meaning, “next to,” is more common.

  • She sat beside (= next to) him during dinner.
  • These problems seem unimportant beside (= compared to) the potential benefits of the new system.

BESIDES with an “s” at the end can also be used as a preposition, but it means “except” or “in addition to,” as in these examples:

  • There's no one here besides (= except) me.
  •  She wants to learn other languages besides (= in addition to) English and French.
  •  Besides (= in addition to) its famous cakes, the bakery also makes delicious breads and cookies.


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5 votes
5 votes

Grammatically, besides is an adverb or a preposition, and beside a preposition.

Beside means next to.

As a preposition, besides means in addition to or apart from. As an adverb, besides means as well or furthermore.

 Here, we use "besides" as a preposition meaning "in addition to".  "besides money" is correct choice option(D).


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