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68 votes
68 votes

The output of executing the following C program is _______________ .


int total(int v) {
    static int count = 0;
    while(v) {
        count += v&1;
        v >>= 1;
    return count;

void main() {
    static int x=0;
    int i=5;
    for(; i>0; i--) {
        x = x + total(i);
    printf("%d\n", x);
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5 Answers

Best answer
61 votes
61 votes
// inside total()

while(v) {
        count += v&1;   \\ check the lowest bit of v
        v >>= 1;        \\ or v = v >> 1 : right shift the bit pattern of v

This piece of code will count the no of set bits in $v$. 

In the main function, i values goes from $5$ to $1$, So there will be $5$ calls to total().

Each call to total(i) counts the no of set bits in i. But the count is a static variable,

So, total(i) = Total no of set bits in all $i \leq 5$. 

$\begin{align*} & \text{x} = \sum_{i=1}^{5}\left [ \text{ total}\left ( i \right ) \right ] = \color{blue}{2+3+5+6+7} = \color{red}{\bf 23}\\ \end{align*}$

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34 votes
34 votes

Answer: 23


16 votes
16 votes


total function count no. of 1's in input,but also remember previous inputs.











in the main it add all the values of outer loop--->2+3+5+6+7=23

8 votes
8 votes

The code with the full explanation is given below.

int total(int v)
  static int count=0; /* initialized ONLY ONCE because of the 'static' keyword */ 
                      /* it can be never be initialized again. */
                      /* So the value of count will be cumulative. */
      count += v&1; /* v&1 returns the Least Significant Bit (LSB) */
                    /* of the binary representation of v.*/
                    /* So v&1 has the value either 0 or 1 */
      v >>=1;   /* v is shifted to right meaning that v = v/2 */
  /* So the value of count will be the number of 1's */ 
  /* in the binary representation of v*/
  return count;

/*So the value of total(5)=2 because 5 is 101 in binary which has two 1's. */
/*Similarly the value of total(4)=1 because 4 is 100 in binary which one 1. */
/*But calling total(5) and total(4) one after another, total(4)=2+1=3 because */
/*the count variable in the function is cumulative.  */

void main()
    static int x=0;
    int i=5;
    for(; i>0; i--)
        x = x +total(i); /* x = total(5)+total(4)+total(3)+total(2)+total(1) */
                         /* x = 2 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 7 */
                         /* x = 23  */
    printf("%d\n", x);  /*It will give the output as 23.*/


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