1 Answer

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Option D should be Correct.

1) Put x = 3/4 in  given equation i.e $x^{4} - 2ax^{2} + x + a^{2} - a$ , the  new  equation will become

                     $a^{2} - 2.125 a + 1.0664$

   then find the roots of this quadratic equation it will be.

   a= 0.812488   , a= 1.31251

   you can see both values of a are greater than 3/4.

2) Now Put x = 2/3 in  given equation i.e $x^{4} - 2ax^{2} + x + a^{2} - a$ the  new  equation will become

                   $a^{2} - 1.8888 a + 0.864197$

   then find the roots of this quadratic equation.

   a= 0.777984 , a= 1.11082

   you can see both values of a are greater than 3/4

Hence D option is correct.

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techbrk3 asked Nov 2, 2017
a) Reflexive. Transitive but not Symmetricb) Reflexive. Symmetric but not Transitivec) Symmetric, Transitive but not Reflexived) An equivalence relation