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Can somebody help me out to figure out an algorithm that would work in O(nlogn) for the following problem?

Given a SORTED array of n elements. Find three numbers from the array that will add up to a given number k.

My approach:
Use two pointers that point to first and last elements(say L and H). Add these two elements and subtract it from required value k and store it in a variable, say 'z'. Now binary search for z among the elements between the two pointers. If z is found we have the required 3 numbers. If z is not found, we have to either increment L or decrement H and repeat the process.

So essentially we reduce the size of list by one and perform at most logn comparisons in each iteration, hence O(nlogn)

I can't figure out when to increment L or when to decrement H, in case z is not found. Any ideas?

Thank you
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1 Answer

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algo : "Use two pointers that point to first and last elements(say L and H).
Add these two elements and subtract it from required value k and store it in a variable, say 'z'.
Now binary search for z among the elements between the two pointers."

Your answer starts here :

If (z==0) return 1;

else if(z>0) {
return algo;

else {
return algo;

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