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1 votes
int main()
    int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5};
    int *ptr=(int *)(&a+1); 
    // why is typecasting necessary here? It can just be int*ptr=&a+1;
  1. 2 5
  2. garbage
  3. compiler defined
  4. segmentation fault

2 Answers

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1 votes
It is not necessary to type cast,actually there is no need to type cast here because &a+1 is representing address  which is of type integer only and int *ptr is storing the address of type integer only.
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1 votes

We always have to respect the "types" though C does not always enforce it. But internally it uses the type a lot-- especially when it comes to pointers. Those who thinks in terms of types can find pointers really easy. 

int *ptr=(int *)(&a+1); 

Here, a is an int array. a+1 points to the second element of the array. As pointer addition says, this is numerically a + sizeof(*a) - whatever be the type of 'a'. Now, when we do &a, it returns the address of a, and the type changes to pointer to an int array of size 5. So, now, when we do b + 1, (assume b = &a), it becomes b + sizeof(*b) = &a + sizeof(5 *int). So, this just goes to the next element outside the array. 

Now after addition also we get value whose type is pointer to an int array of 5 elements. And we are assigning it to a pointer to int. So, this requires a typecast. Otherwise do 

int (*p)[5] = &a+1;

Now, in the printf, *(a+1) is used. Prints the second element of array - 2. *(ptr-1) - prints the last element which is 5. 

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