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For a given undirected weighted graph G with V number of vertices, if you want to find all pair shortest paths then which one of the following is true ?

a) run dijkstra's shortest path algorithm only once.

b) run dijkstra's shortest path algorithm V times.

What if the given graph is directed ?

3 Answers

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These complexities, are for Dense Graphs where Number of Edges is approx equals to V^2

General complexity of Dijkstra's Algorithm: O(E log V)

By applying Dijkstra V times, we can find all pair shortest path in O(V *V^2* log V) = O(V^3 log V)

By applying Bellman-Ford V times, we can find all pair shortest path in O(V * (V*E)) .= O(.V^4)

But By Applying Dynamic paradigm, Floyd warshall, its complexity =O(V^3)
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Run Dijkstra algorithm V times to get the all Pair Shortest Path.

Answer to the question related to directed and undirected graph: Dijkstra algorithm Relax each edge. And It does not really matter here, Because ones the all edges of a Vertex are relaxed, the vertex is deleted. 


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