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array has n elements and we need to sort them in non decreasing order as follows. first find minimum, remove this element from the array and find minimum of remaining elements, remove this element  and so on until array becomes emplty . In best case how many comparisons needed
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This will be done by heap sort.

1.First we create a min heap using build heap method ......................O(n)

2.Then (remove min) +(min heapify)

.......................O(1) +O(log n)=O(logn)

After this we get first minimum as well as the remaining elements already forms a min heap... So no need to apply build heap again.

Instead second step will be repeated for all n elements until finally we get a sorted array.......n*O(logn)=O(nlogn)

Overall: O(n) + O(nlogn)=O(nlogn)

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