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A man purchases 11 articles @ 10rs per article and sells 10 articles @11 rs per article.Find The Overall Loss or Gain% ?





answer is B option but i want explanation for this type of GA questions .Thanks

2 Answers

Best answer
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6 votes
If we go by general questions like these, your question is slightly incorrect. It should be "11 articles at Rs. 10" (not per article). Similarly "10 articles at Rs. 11" (not per article).

Now cost price of 1 article = Rs. 10/11

Selling price of 1 article = Rs. 11/10

So profit = 11/10 - 10/11 = 21/110.

profit% = $\frac{\left(\frac{21}{110}\right)}{\left(\frac{10}{11}\right)}*100 = 21\%$

For your exact question, the answer is simple, profit on one article = Rs. (11-10) = Re. 1

Profit % = $\left(\frac{1}{10}\right)*100 = 10\%$

In general, for these type of questions, find CP and SP of one item and find profit/loss accordingly.
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Another way :1st find the LCM of both the terms 10 and 11 i.e 110...now,

cp=(10/11)*110=100 and sp=(11/10)*110=121 so profit =sp-cp=121-100=21

so,profit % =(21/100)*100=21%

shortcut method: 11       10

                         10       11

by using cross multiplication we will get (121-100/100)*100=21 profit bcz sign is positive.....

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