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2 votes

 Consider a DFA with 1000000000000000000000000000 states, over the input alphabet consisting of all Greek alphabet letters. What can we say about it?

a.It is not possible that it accepts the empty set.

b.It is not possible that it accepts only empty string.

c.It is not possible that it accepts strings of length 1 only.

d.It is possible that it accepts all strings over the input alphabet.

2 Answers

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1 votes
Note: empty set means nothing accepted and empty string means only epsilon accepted.

a. false since if dfa doesn't having  final state it can accept empty set.

b. false since if only initial state is final and there is no inward transitions for initial state.

c.false we can draw a dfa which can accept strings of length one.

d. true if all states are final.
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0 votes
It is possible that it accepts all strings over the input alphabet

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