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5 votes

First of all, I want to thank you all for creating such an amazing platform.

Coming to my question, I would like to know how can I search all GATE questions from an specific subject/topic?

I know I can use the GATE Overflow book, but I prefer the site and since there is no "GATE" tag associated with previous year questions, I am stuck.

I tried following in tag fields:

1. gate compiler-design  :generated URL https://gateoverflow.in/tag-search-page?q=gate+compiler-design+

Above doesn't work coz all questions aren't tagged as "GATE" rather they are tagged as "GATE2016" "GATE2017" and so on 

So, gate2017 compiler-design (https://gateoverflow.in/tag-search-page?q=gate2017+compiler-design+) will work but then it will only give CD questions of 2017.

2. So tried entering all GATE year tags along with the subject, hoping it will work

gate2000 gate2001 gate2002 gate2003 gate2004 gate2004-it gate2005 gate2005-it gate2006 gate2006-it gate2007 gate2007-it gate2008 gate2008-it gate2009 gate2010 gate2011 gate2012 gate2013 gate2014-1 gate2014-2 gate2014-3 gate2015-1 gate2015-2 gate2015-3 gate2016-1 gate2016-2 gate2017-1 gate2017-2 compiler-design

generated URL https://gateoverflow.in/tag-search-page?q=gate2000+gate2001+gate2002+gate2003+gate2004+gate2004-it+gate2005+gate2005-it+gate2006+gate2006-it+gate2007+gate2007-it+gate2008+gate2008-it+gat+e2009+gate2010+gate2011+gate2012+gate2013+gate2014-1+gate2014-2+gate2014-3+gate2015-1+gate2015-2+gate2015-3+gate2016-1+gate2016-2+gate2017-1+gate2017-2+%C2%A0compiler-design

Alas I realized that tag search only works for 2 tags.

i.e. even gate2016-1 gate2017 compiler-design (https://gateoverflow.in/tag-search-page?q=gate2017-1+gate2017-2++compiler-design) won't work.

Please suggest some way.

Or if possible please allow the searching from more than 2 tag fields. 


2 Answers

Best answer
3 votes
3 votes

Tag search doesn't work the way you are expecting. However you can see all previous year GATE questions for particular subject like this :

https://gateoverflow.in/categories  -> choose subject say Algorithms (https://gateoverflow.in/questions/algorithms) -> click on Previous GATE tab.(https://gateoverflow.in/questions/algorithms?sort=gate)

It might still give questions tagged as GATE2018..:) 

selected by
2 votes
2 votes

You are welcome and thanks for the feedback. 

If you go to your account page, scroll down to end you can see a checkbox for seeing "only previous GATE" questions. After selecting that, you can use the site as it is and you will see only previous GATE questions. But remember to uncheck the box, if you want to see any other question.

Tag search is actually not restricted to 2 -- it might be the string length restriction. Also, the check condition is AND, so adding more tags won't help here. We'll try to get a better-advanced search option. 

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