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Given 2 long integers having n digits , it is required to multiply them.Assuming the numbers are represented in an array of size n . The time complexity to multiply them using traditional divide and conquer is
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naive algorithm

multiply two $n -bit$ numbers,  $x$ and  $y$ that are in base $b$

Divide each number into two halves. let's say high bits $h$ and low bits $l$

$x = x_{h} *(b)^{n/2} + x_{l}$

$y = y_{h} *(b)^{n/2} + y_{l}$

$x*y = ( x_{h} *(b)^{n/2} + x_{l} ) *  ( y_{h} *(b)^{n/2} + y_{l})$

$x*y = x_{h} *(b)^{n/2} * y_{h} *(b)^{n/2}  + x_{l}*y_{h} *(b)^{n/2} + x_{h} *(b)^{n/2}*y_{l} + x_{l}*y_{l} $

$x*y = x_{h} * y_{h} *b^n  + (x_{l}*y_{h}  + x_{h} *y_{l} )*(b)^{n/2} + x_{l}*y_{l} $


$example: 1234_{10} * 8765_{10}$ 

$x = x_{h} *(b)^{n/2} + x_{l}$

$= 12*10^2 + 34$

$y = y_{h} *(b)^{n/2} + y_{l}$

$= 87*10^2 + 65$ 

$x*y = 12 * 87 *10^4  + (34*87  + 12 *65 )*(10)^{2} + 34*65 $

$= 1,08,16,010$

$T(n) = 4T(n/2) + O(n)$ which  gives $O(n^2)$ 

Karatsuba Algorithm

To multiply two $n-bit$ numbers,  $x$, and $y$, the Karatsuba algorithm performs three multiplications and a few additions, and shifts on smaller numbers that are roughly half the size of the original $x$ and $y$.

$a = x_{h}*y_{h}$

$d = x_{l}*y_{l}$

$e = (x_{h} + x_{l}) * ( y_{h} + y_{l} ) - a - d$

$x*y = a*r^n + e*r^{n/2} + d$

$example: 12_{10} * 43_{10}$

$x_{h} = 1 , x_{l} = 2 , y_{h} = 4 , y_{l} = 3$

$a = x_{h}*y_{h} = 1*4 = 4$

$d = x_{l}*y_{l} = 2*3 = 6$

$e = (x_{h} + x_{l}) * ( y_{h} + y_{l} ) - a - d = (1 + 2)*(4+3) - 4 - 6$ = 3*7 - 4 - 6 = 21 - 4 - 6 = 11$

$x*y = a*r^n + e*r^{n/2} + d = 4*10^2 + 11*10 + 6 = 400 + 110 + 6 = 516$ 


$T(n) =O(n^{log 3}) = O(n^{1.584…})$

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