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41 votes
41 votes

The string $1101$ does not belong to the set represented by

  1. $110^*(0 + 1)$
  2. $1(0 + 1)^*101$
  3. $(10)^*(01)^*(00 + 11)^*$
  4. $(00 + (11)^*0)^*$
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7 Answers

Best answer
52 votes
52 votes

Only (a) and (b) can generate $1101$.

In (c) after $11$, we can not have $01$ and so $1101$ cannot be generated.

In (d) Every $11$ followed by $0$ and no single occurrence of $1$ is possible. So it cannot generate $1101$ or $11011$.

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10 votes
10 votes

I think option (c) is more appropriate to choose from, because even option (d) can generate 11011 or 110110 in which 1101 is a substring.

2 votes
2 votes

option d is quite inviting to choose it as we can have only even number of 1's with this regular set where as our original string contains 3 1's


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