1 Answer

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If we consider int to be 4 bytes here and assuming Little Endian mechanism to store the bytes of the variable ( which is followed in almost all of the architectures ). , as 'i' is declared as int and assigned the value of 511 , so the binary equivalent will be stored as :

00000000  00000000  00000001  11111111

Now the lowermost byte is "11111111" , hence it is stored at lowermost address , say at address 1000..Hence contents of addresses 1000 , 1001 , 1002 and 1003 in that order following Little Endian Notation :

11111111  00000001  00000000  00000000

Now at present , &i contains address of 'i' as an int.

To access the data bytewise (as we know 1 char = 1 byte) , we typecast the integer pointer to char pointer first and then dereference it which is done by step :    char * ptr  =  (char*) &i ;

Hence now on dereferencing we will get the data bytewise..

Hence now on dereferencing data at location 1000 , we will get 1 B data instead of 4 B..

Hence *ptr will give us value  =   decimal equivalent of 11111111   =   255

But we know that data is stored is stored in 2's complement form..

Hence we need to take 2's complement of the bit pattern to get true magnitude .

Hence -1 should be the correct answer..

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