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This statement is true actually..

As far as the instruction length is concerned , instructions are divided into two types :

a) Fixed length instructions

b) Variable length instructions

Most of the architectures now use fixed length instructions . So in such instructions , the instruction length as a whole is fixed but its field's length can be altered in turn hence to achieve the same..

Say I have instruction of length 20 in which there is an opcode field of 6 bits and two address fields(one say for source and one for destination) each of 7 bits..

Now say if we need one address instruction while keeping instruction length fixed i.e. 20 bits..So what we do is we use a technique known as expanded opcode technique..So one address field is now appended as a part of opcode..

Hence now opcode bits =  13 bits and addressing bits  =  7 bits. as opposed to 6 bits of opcode and 14 bits of addressing in earlier case..

If we see w.r.t previous type of instruction i.e. 2 address based one , it is for instructions like register to register transfer..But say for stack based instruction in which entire bits are meant for opcode only and no addressing field , the addressing mode is implied addressing mode.

So by variation of addressing modes , we are getting different types of instructions , specifically different number of bits for addressing in each case..Hence the statement should be true.

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