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Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE regarding Java Servelets?

  1. A Java Servelet is a server-side component that runs on the web server and extends the capabilities of a server.
  2. A servelet can use the user interface classes like AWT or Swing.
  1. Only (i) is TRUE
  2. Only (ii) is TRUE
  3. Both (i) and (ii) are TRUE
  4. Neither (i) nor (ii) is TRUE
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Ans: A

Execution Applet is always executed on the client side. Servlet is always executed on the server side.
Packages import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import java.servlet.http.*;
Lifecycle methods init(), stop(), paint(), start(), destroy(). init( ), service( ), and destroy( ).
User interface Applets use user interface classes like AWT and Swing. No User interface required.
Requirement Requires java compatible browser for execution. It processes the input from client side and generates the response in terms of the HTML page, Javascript, Applets.
Resources As it arrives at the client, it uses the resources of the client to produce graphical interface and run complex computation.
It utilizes the resources of the server to process request and response of the client.
Bandwidth Utilization Applets utilize more network bandwidth as it executes on the client machine. Servlets are executed on the servers and hence require less bandwidth.
Security More prone to risk as it is on the client machine. It is under the server security.

ref: https://techdifferences.com/difference-between-applet-and-servlet-in-java.html



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