1 Answer

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Ans : <c>.at least two modes of cpu execution(privileged and non-priviliged)

Explaination :

a) We can make a system multi user and multi-programming even by not using Virtual memory. We can use static partitions in Main memory to do our job. It's just that the degree of multi-programming will be less. But it is possible.

b) DMA has nothing to do with multi programming if we consider only processes to be CPU bound.

d) demand paging, Reason same as option a. Without VM we can make a system to ne multi programmed.

Why option c?

Because in case of multiuser system, one user will be root user for sure which will have access to privilaged instructions.

So to switch from normal user to root user you need hardware bit which is switched between two modes of uses. Also for a system to be multi programming, we need to swap in and out the processes from memory which need hardware access which can be only done in system mode.

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