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Two unsorted arrays of size m and n are to be sorted into a single array, what is best case time complexity?
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3 Answers

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First sort both arrays and then combined into a single array, complexity = m log(m) + n log(n) + (m+n)

First combine into a single array and then sort the combined array, complexity = (m+n) log (m+n)
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Simply combine both arrays then resultant array will have m+n elements.

Then apply best sort method on O(nlogn) which will give here (m+n)log(m+n)

So here by combining and then sorting is efficient.

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We can sort both arrays using Linear sort and Linear sort take O(n+k) time and after sorting them we can merge them into one array. For merging O(n) time taken so total time complexity will be:-

2.(O(N+k)) (sorting) + O(n)(for merging)  so it is some how equal to O(n).

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