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Let us analyze NOR Gate.

Let A and B be two input lines to NOR gate.

We observe that if any input in NOR Gate is 1 then the output is 0 directly.

and Similarly for AND Gate if any input is 0 then the output is 0 directly.

Now let us analyze each option.

Option A : A = 0 and B = 0

When B = 0 is passed from AND Gate then Confirm output is 0 but due to NOT Gate in front of AND gate,  Q = 1 but Q = 0  will directly pass to one of inputs at NOR gate(see diagram in question) and when B=0 and Q=0 is input to NOR gate Confirm output P = 1

Option B : A = 1 and B = 1

When A = 1 is passed from NOR Gate then Confirm output at P = 0 and that output will directly pass to one of inputs at AND gate and when P=0 is input to AND gate -> Confirm output 0 but there is a NOT gate in front of AND gate which makes Q = 1.  

Option D: A =1 and B = 0

When A = 1 is passed from NOR Gate then Confirm output at P = 0 and that output will directly pass to one of inputs at AND gate and when P=0 is input to AND gate  ->Confirm output 0 but there is a NOT gate in front of AND gate which makes Q = 1.  

Option C: A = 0 and B = 1

When A = 0 is passed as input to NOR Gate then output is undecidable. It depends on the other input which actually is an output from AND Gate .

Similarly when B = 1 is passed from AND gate then output is undecidable, it depends on the other input which actually is an output from NOR Gate.

So P and Q in this case depends on what was the previous state P or Q value and is therefore undecidable.

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