3 Answers

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Student (Sid, Sname, age)
Course Info (Cid, Cname, Instructor SSN)
Enroll (Sid, Cid, grade)

The relational algebra expression for “find the Cid’s of courses enrolled by two different students” :

1. “find the Cid’s of courses enrolled by at least two (different) students” :

$E_1(S,C,G) \leftarrow Enroll$ // Renaming of enroll relation into E_1 with attributes names as $S,C,G$ in that order.

$At\_least2 \leftarrow \prod_{cid} (E_1 \Join_{(C = Cid \, \wedge \,S \neq Sid)} Enroll)$ //Finding courses which have at least two students.

2. “find the Cid’s of courses enrolled by at least three (different) students” :

Similar to what we did in the previous query. 

$E_1(S1,C1,G1) \leftarrow Enroll$ // Renaming of enroll relation into E_1 with attributes names as $S1,C1,G1$ in that order.

$E_2(S2,C2,G2) \leftarrow Enroll$ // Renaming of enroll relation into E_2 with attributes names as $S2,C2,G2$ in that order.

$At\_least3 \leftarrow \prod_{cid} ( (E_1 \Join_{(C = Cid \, \wedge \,S \neq Sid)} Enroll) \,\, \Join_{(C2 = C1 \, \wedge \, S2 \neq S1 \, \wedge \, S2 \neq Sid)} E_2  )$ //Finding courses which have at least three students.

3. “find the Cid’s of courses enrolled by exactly two (different) students” :

$Exactly2 \leftarrow At\_least2 - At\_least3$


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well taking it as cids of courses enrolled by at least two students

       Project(Cid)(Select(R1.Cid=R2.Cid^R1.Sid<>R2.sid)((Rename(R1)(Enroll))X (Rename(R2)((Course info)Natural join(Enroll)))))

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cid's of courses enrolled by exactly two students =[cid's of courses enrolled by at least three students]-[cid's of courses enrolled by at least  two students].

cid's of courses enrolled by at least three students$\rightarrow$ $\rho(T_1,Enroll)$,$\rho(T_2,Enroll)$,$\rho(T_3,Enroll)$

=$\pi_{sid} (\sigma_{T_1.cid=T_2.cid=T_3.cid \ AND \ T_1.sid\neq T_2.sid\  AND \  T_2.sid\neq T_3.sid\ AND \ T_3.sid\neq T_1.sid}(T_1 *T_2*T_3))$

cid's of courses enrolled by at least two students$\rightarrow$$\rho(T_1,Enroll)$,$\rho(T_2,Enroll)$

=$\pi_{sid} (\sigma_{T_1.cid=T_2.cid \ AND \ T_1.sid\neq T_2.sid}(T_1 *T_2))$,,where $*$ is cross product

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