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62 votes
62 votes

Consider the following program in C language:

#include <stdio.h>

   int i;
   int*pi = &i; 
   printf("%d\n", i+5);

Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

  1. Compilation fails.
  2. Execution results in a run-time error.
  3. On execution, the value printed is $5$ more than the address of variable $i$.
  4. On execution, the value printed is $5$ more than the integer value entered.
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5 Answers

Best answer
57 votes
57 votes
int i; //i is declared
int*pi = &i;  //pi is a pointer variable 
//and is assigned the address of i

scanf("%d",pi); //i is overwritten with the value 
//we provided because pi is pointing to i earlier

printf("%d\n", i+5) //it will print the value stored in i+5

input $=3;$ output $=8$

Option D is answer.

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37 votes
37 votes
   int i;//here i stores GARBAGE VALUE
   int*pi = &i; //p stores address of i
   scanf("%d",pi);// think like that scanf("%d",&i); because pi=&i; so we give value store at i(value at                  address)
   printf("%d\n", i+5);//if we give n output n+5
5 votes
5 votes
There is no problem in the program as pi points to a valid location. Also, in scanf() we pass address of a variable and pi is an address.

So answer is D
3 votes
3 votes
#include <stdio.h>
    int i;
    int *pi = &i;  // pi pointing to address of i

    scanf("%d", pi); /*  means store the inputted value by scanf at location/address  pointed by pi. i.e at variable int i. earlier int i was holding garbage value. now it will store input value given by you. let say you input the  value of i=10;  */

    printf("%d\n", i+5);  //  add 5 in int i.  i.e 10+5 =15

so final output will be 5 more than entered value by you.

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