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If our graph has isolated vertices then it can have euler circuit. But with isolated vertices we can never have hamiltonian circuit.

so we can have euler circuit even in a disconnected graph but hamiltonian circuit is possible always on a connected graph.

Am I right?

1 Answer

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An Eulerian cycleEulerian circuit or Euler tour in an undirected graph is a cycle that uses each edge exactly once. If such a cycle exists, the graph is called Eulerian or unicursal. The term "Eulerian graph" is also sometimes used in a weaker sense to denote a graph where every vertex has even degree. For finite connected graphs the two definitions are equivalent, while a possibly unconnected graph is Eulerian in the weaker sense if and only if each connected component has an Eulerian cycle.

For Hamiltonian graph there should exist a circuit connecting all the vertices of graph, so isolation it's not possible

So we can conclude that Euler circuit is possible of disconnected graph, but not same for Hamiltonian circuit

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