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Clearly , Both hands meet at 12:00.

Apart from this During the day they meet at 1:05 , 2:10, 3:15 ...so on upto 12:00.

Total = 12

We have to exclude 12:00 .. so 11 such combinations
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Answer:- E

Hr hand & Minute hand will meet at12PM(Noon) should be excluded

1st meet :- Between 1 and 2

2nd meet :- Between 2 and 3

3rd meet :- Between 3 and 4

4th meet :- Between 4 and 5

5th meet :- Between 5 and 6

6th meet :- Between 6 and 7

7th meet :- Between 7 and 8

8th meet :- Between 8 and 9

9thmeet :- Between 9 and 10

10th meet :- Between 10 and 11

now after that, Hr hand & Minute hand will meet at 12AM(midnight)

so, only 10 meets between noon & midnight

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&60 \text{ min} \rightarrow \dfrac{360}{12} = 30^{\circ} \text{ hour hand moves}\\
&1 \text{ min} \rightarrow 0.5^{\circ} \text{ hour hand moves}  \\
&1^{\circ} \rightarrow \dfrac{1}{6} \text{ min} \ (360^{\circ }\rightarrow 60 \text{ min})\\
&\text{Speed of minute hand} (m_v) = 6^{\circ}\;\text{min}^{-1} = \Big(\dfrac{1}{10}\Big)^{\circ} \; s^{-1}\\
&\text{Speed of hour hand} (h_v) = 0.5^{\circ}\;\text{min}^{-1} = \Big(\dfrac{1}{120}\Big)^{\circ} \; s^{-1}\\
&\text{Current position of hour hand} (h_c) \\
&\text{time} = \dfrac{\text{Angular Distance}}{\text{Angular Speed}} \\
&t_h = \dfrac{x^{\circ}}{h_v}\\
&t_m = \dfrac{h_c \times 30+x}{m_v} \\
&\text{Now }, t_m = t_h\\
&\dfrac{(h_c \times 30)^{\circ}+x^{\circ}}{m_v} = \dfrac{x^{\circ}}{h_v} \\
&x^{\circ} = \dfrac{(30 \times h_c)^{\circ} \times h_v}{m_v-h_v} = \Big(\dfrac{30}{11}h_c\Big)^{\circ} =
\Big(\dfrac{30}{11}h_c\Big) \times \dfrac{1}{6} \text{ min} = \Big(\dfrac{5}{11}h_c\Big) \text{ min} =
\Big(\dfrac{300}{11}h_c\Big) \text{ s}\\
&\text{time when hour and minute hand meet} = \underbrace{h_c}_{\text{Hour}}: \underbrace{h_c\times
5}_{\text{Minute}}:\underbrace{\dfrac{300}{11}h_c}_{\text{Seconds}} \\
\textbf{h}_c & \textbf{meet at} \\
1 & 1:05:27 \\
2 & 2:10:54 \\
3 & 3:16:21 \\
\vdots & \vdots \\
10 & 10: 54: 32 \\
11 & 12:00:00 \\

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