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90 votes

Let $T$ be a depth first search tree in an undirected graph $G$. Vertices $u$ and $ν$ are leaves of this tree $T$. The degrees of both $u$ and $ν$ in $G$ are at least $2$. which one of the following statements is true?

  1. There must exist a vertex $w$ adjacent to both $u$ and $ν$ in $G$
  2. There must exist a vertex $w$ whose removal disconnects $u$ and $ν$ in $G$
  3. There must exist a cycle in $G$ containing $u$ and $ν$
  4. There must exist a cycle in $G$ containing $u$ and all its neighbours in $G$
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12 Answers

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In a strongly connected component every two vertices must be reachable from one to other and it is maximal component.
From given graph {P, Q, R, S, T, V} and {U} are strongly connected components.
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Suppose $u_1,u_2,u_3,….,u_n$ are neighbors of vertex u. Now when we run dfs then it is not possible that we reach $u$

before exploring all the neighbours of $u$ because then $u$ will have something to explore and then $u$ will not

become a leaf in DFT. Suppose in DFS we reached $u_1$ through a vertex say $v$ then $u_1$ will explore all of its

neighbour but it will not visit $u$ since other neighbours of $u$ are still remaining but it will not backtrack before

exploring every other neighbours of $u$ since there is an edge from $u_1$ to $u$ and there is an edge from $u$ to its

every neighbour. So the only possibility is that from $u_1$ we have some path to at least one of the neighbour of $u$

then only it will be possible for $u$ to be a leaf. If there is no path to at least one of the neighbour of $u$ then

we must have visited $u$ and then $u$ will not become a leaf. Now suppose we have path from $u_1$ to $u_2$. Then after

reaching $u_2$ we can claim that we must have path to some neighbour say $u_3$ of $u$ other than $u_1$ else we would

have explored $u$ and then $u$ would not be able to become leaf as it has some neighbour which is not been explored by

DFS. So we have now something like this $u_1$ some path to $u_2$ some path to $u_3$. And like $u_2$ we can claim the

same for $u_3$. At last we will get $u_1$ some path to $u_2$ some path to $u_3$.….some path to $u_n$ and then only

$u$ will be visited from $u_n$ via some path or direct edge . Also  there is an edge from $u$ to $u_1$. Hence in original

graph they will all be in a cycle.



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