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A 32 bit machine processor has 32 register, each of which is 16 bit long. each instruction is specified with four field, namely operation part, immediate operand in addition to two register operands. assume that the immediate operand is signed integer in signed 2's complement notation. let the largest positive data that can be represented in immediate operand field is +4095. max number of instruction that can be permitted by this processor is.?

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Size of instruction = 32 bit.

Size of register = 32 bit

Bits for Registers = 5 bit

It is given immediate operand is signed integer( by default 2's complement)

The largest positive data that can be represented in immediate operand field is +4095

So,Range of 2's complement in 8 bit = -4096 to +4095 (Minimum is 128)

If opcode field value=X

Bits left for Immediate operand = X-(5+5+13) = 32 bit

So, X=9

Hence 512 number of instruction permitted by the processor

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