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33 votes
33 votes

For $x \in \{0,1\}$, let $\lnot x$ denote the negation of $x$, that is $$\lnot \,  x = \begin{cases}1 & \mbox{iff } x = 0\\ 0 & \mbox{iff } x = 1\end{cases}$$.

If $x \in \{0,1\}^n$, then $\lnot \, x$ denotes the component wise negation of $x$; that is: $$(\lnot \, x)_i=\left (\lnot \, x_i \mid i \in [1..n] \right )$$

Consider a circuit $C$, computing a function $f: \{0,1\}^{n} \to \{0,1\}$ using AND $(\land)$, OR $(\lor)$,and NOT $(\lnot)$ gates. Let $D$ be the circuit obtained from $C$ by replacing each AND gate by an OR gate and replacing each OR gate by an AND. Suppose $D$ computes the function $g$. Which of the following is true for all inputs $x$?

  1. $g(x) = \lnot \, f(x)$
  2. $g(x) = f(x) \land f(\lnot x)$
  3. $g(x) = f(x) \lor f(\lnot x)$
  4. $g(x) = \lnot f(\lnot x)$
  5. None of the above.
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3 Answers

Best answer
19 votes
19 votes

Option (D) is answer.

The circuit D is the $\text{dual}$ of the function $f(x)$ (i.e., replace $\text{AND}$ by $\text{OR}$ and vice versa)

We can find dual of any function $f(x)$ by doing $¬f(¬x).$

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40 votes
40 votes

let f = a.b

then acc. to question g will be a+b (replacing AND by OR)

A. g(x)=¬f(x) 

a+b ≠ (a.b)'

⇒a+b ≠ (a'+b')  ------->false

B. g(x)=f(x)∧f(¬x)

a+b ≠ (ab).(a'b')

⇒a+b ≠ F-------------> false

C.  g(x)=f(x)∨f(¬x)

a+b ≠ ab+a'b'

⇒a+b≠a⊙b ----------------> false

D. g(x)=¬f(¬x)

a+b = (a'.b')' = a+b ------> true

5 votes
5 votes
Ans will be D

dual can change AND to OR gate and OR gate to AND

AB dual is (A'B')'=A+B

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