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In a 16 bit computer instruction format, the size of address field is 5 bits. The computer uses expanding opcode technique. It has two 2-address instructions and 1024 one address instruction. How many zeroaddress instruction can be formulated?
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1 Answer

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2 votes

Total $\#$ of 2 address instruction  = $2^{16-5-5}=2^{6}=32$

Free instructions = $64-2=62$ 

Total $\#$ of 1 address instruction = $62 \times 2^5 = 1984$

Free instructions = $1984-1024 = 960$

Total $\#$ of 0 address instruction = $960 \times 2^{5}=\color{RED}{30720}$

Another approach

Total encoding with $16$  bits = $2^{16}$

$2$ address encoding = $2\times 2^5\times 2^5=2^{11}$

$1$ address encoding = $1024 \times 2^{5}=2^{15}$

Remaining encodings $=\  0$ address encoding = $2^{16}- 2^{15} -2^{11}$


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