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27 votes
27 votes

Consider the function func shown below: 

int func(int num) { 
   int count = 0; 
   while (num) { 
     num>>= 1; 
   return (count); 

The value returned by func($435$) is ________

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5 Answers

Best answer
45 votes
45 votes

Answer is $9$.

$435-(110110011) $

num $>>=$ $1$; implies a num is shifted one bit right in every while loop execution.While loop is executed $9$ times successfully and $10$th time num is zero.

So count is incremented $9$ times.


Shifting a number "1"bit position to the right will have the effect of dividing by $2$:

8 >> 1 = $4    // In binary: (00001000) >> 1 = (00000100)
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18 votes
18 votes
int func(int num) // take decimal number
   int count = 0; 
   while (num) // until all bits are zero
     count++; // count bit 
     num>>= 1; // shift bits, removing lower bit
   return (count); // returns total number of bits

(435)10 = (110110011)2 
So, the given program counts total number of bits in binary representation . Hence, answer is 9


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7 votes

The function mainly returns position of Most significant bit in binary representation of n. The MSB in binary representation of 435 is 9th bit.

Another explanation : >> in right shift. In other words, it means divide by 2. If keep on dividing by 2, we get: 435, 217, 108, 54, 27, 13, 6, 3, 1. Therefore, the count is 9.

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2 votes
2 votes

435 in binary ....................100110011...............count =0

first count is incremented then bitwise shift >>1 is done

count = 1 ............010011001

count = 2 ............001001100

count = 3 ............000100110

count = 4 ............000010011

count = 5 ............000001001

count = 6 ............000000100

count = 7 ............000000010

count = 8 ............000000001

count = 9 ............000000000

finally, count = 9


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