4 Answers

Best answer
46 votes
46 votes

Dynamic means- at runtime. Dynamic memory allocation happens during the execution time and hence (A) is the answer.

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41 votes
41 votes

Symbol table management is done during compilation to store and retrieve the information about tokens.

Type checking is one of the checks performed during the semantic analysis of compilation.

Inline expansion is a compiler optimization that replaces a function call by the body of the respective function.

Dynamic memory allocation is when an executing program request the operating system to give it a block of main memory, so it is performed during the run time not during compile time.

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2 votes
2 votes
Dynamic memory allocation happens at run time only. Compiler only compiles instructions for dynamic memory allocation like malloc(), calloc().
1 votes
1 votes

Option A: Dynamic memory allocation done at run time not at compile time. 

Option B and C: both done at compile time where type checking done by semantic analyzer phase and symbol table done by all the phase of compiler.

Option D:- Most of my friend thinking about what is the real work of option D so here is the explaination of option D 

“In computinginline expansion, or inlining, is a manual or compiler optimization that replaces a function call site with the body of the called function. Inline expansion is similar to macro expansion, but occurs during compilation, without changing the source code (the text), while macro expansion occurs prior to compilation, and results in different text that is then processed by the compiler”.



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