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45 votes
45 votes

Consider two strings $A$="qpqrr" and $B$="pqprqrp". Let $x$ be the length of the longest common subsequence (not necessarily contiguous) between $A$ and $B$ and let $y$ be the number of such longest common subsequences between $A$ and $B$. Then $x +10y=$ ___.

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7 Answers

Best answer
41 votes
41 votes
Answer is $34$.

In first string, if we want to get $4$ as maximum length then LCS should end with either "$rr$" or "$qr$".
Only $4$ combinations are possible for LCS with length $4$:

"$qpqr$", "$qqrr$","$pqrr$","$qprr$"

Now, check for matching sequences in second string, except for "$qqrr$" all are possible.
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43 votes
43 votes

I hope this helps. :)

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31 votes
31 votes
Its a big problem if we solve it with DP or recursion.So we should use some intuition to get answer.

A=5 length and B= 7 length.

Maximum x can be 5 but 5 is not possible so try with 4 and we can easily find that 4 is satisfying for x.Now we need to find y.Here we know x=4 ,so let us write all the 4 length subsequences of A.As A is 5 length and we need 4 length so remove 1 character at a time and get the subsequence.

1. qpqr





Now look for these in B and we will see except qqrr all are satisfying.So y=4 ,but 1 and 2 are same ,so y=3.

Now x+10y=34
5 votes
5 votes

$\text{Step 1}:$ $LCS(i,j)$ depends on $LCS(i+1,j+1)$ when match else $max\{ LCS(i+1,j)\space and\space LCS(i,j+1)\}$

$\text{Step 1}:$ Starts at $LCS(m,n)$ and fill by row,column or diagonal 

$\text{Step 1}:$ When there is match then value of that cell $1+ LCS(i+1,j+1)$  else $\text{Step 1}$


Black Arrow - Fill columns and other arrow for backtracking 

so $x= 4 $and $y = 3 $

$x+10y = 4+10 * 3 = 34 $

Reference: -

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