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Consider Host-A want to transmit data of size 105000 B to Host-B. The communication between Host-A and Host-B is birectional with bandwidth of link between them is 100 Mbps in both direction. Data will be transferred in packet of size 1500 Byte and header size is 40 B. The size of ACK packet is 40 B including header and ACK is generated for every received packet. Propagation time between Host-A and Host-B is 5 msec. Assume all other time are neglizible i.e. process time. The throughput for this transfer if stop wait protocol with pipelining is used ________. (in KBps)

Ans: 144.06 KBps
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pkt size=1500B (including 40B header)

data in each packet= 1500-40=1460B

No of pkts required=105000/1460=71.9

That is 72 pkts in all.

Tt (Ato B)= length of pkt/BW = (1500*8)/(100*10^6)= 0.00012 sec

Tt(B to A)= lenght of ack pkt / BW = (40*8)/(100*10^8)=0.0000032 sec

Total time for one pkt =Tt (Ato B) + Tt(B to A) + Tp*2= 0.0101232 sec

Total time for all pkts = 72*(Tt (Ato B) + Tt(B to A) + Tp*2)= 0.7288704 sec

Throughput = Data sent / Time taken = 105KB/0.7288704 = 144.06 KBps

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