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29 votes

The Gross Domestic Product $(GDP)$ in Rupees grew at $7\%$ during $2012-2013$. For international comparison, the $GDP$ is compared in US Dollars $(USD)$ after conversion based on the market exchange rate. During the period $2012-2013$ the exchange rate for the $USD$ increased from $Rs$. $50/ USD$ to $Rs. $$60$/ $USD$. India's GDP in USD during the period $2012-2013$

  1. increased by $5 \%$
  2. decreased by $13\%$
  3. decreased by $20\%$
  4. decreased by $11\%$
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2 Answers

Best answer
33 votes
33 votes

Let India's $GDP = Rs. x$


$Rs.\;x=\dfrac{1}{50}\times x\; USD$

New  $GDP=GDP+0.07\times GDP$

$\quad =Rs\; 1.07x$

$Rs\; 60=1\; USD$

$Rs\; 1.07x=\dfrac{1}{60}\times 1.07x$

$\text{Change in GDP} = \dfrac{new-old}{old}\times 100$

$\quad =\dfrac{\left(\dfrac{1.07x}{60}\right)-\left(\dfrac{x}{50}\right)}{\dfrac{x}{50}}\times 100$

$\quad =\dfrac{\left(\dfrac{-13x}{6000}\right)}{\left(\dfrac{x}{50}\right)}\times 100$

$\quad = \left(\dfrac{-13}{120}\right)\times 100$

$\quad = -0.10833 \times 100$

$\quad = -10.833$

$\quad \approx -11 $

So, there is an $11\%$ decrease

Answer = option D

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33 votes
33 votes
In such questions take "What we have to find" as $100$ (easy way). i.e Let India's GDP be Rs $100.$
When GDP was Rs 100 exchange rate was $Rs 50\;USD$             


$1\; USD = Rs\; 50$
then $? = Rs\; 100$

$Rs\; 100 =\dfrac{100}{50}$ Dollars


GDP grew by $7 \% = 100+7 \%(100)=100+7= Rs\; 107$
When GDP is $Rs\; 107$ exchange rate is $Rs\; 60\;USD$


$1\; USD = Rs\; 60$
then $?= Rs\; 107$
$Rs \;107 =\dfrac{107}{60}$ Dollars

$\dfrac{\left(\dfrac{107}{60}\right)}{\left(\dfrac{100}{50}\right)}\times 100 = 89 \%$ increase of $USD.$

which means Indian GDP has decreased , and it has decreased to $(100-89) = 11 \%$
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