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1 votes
physical address space of the omputer system is 2^p bytes , word size is 2^w bytes , cache memory has 2^n bytes and cache block size is 2^m words,k-way set associative is used for mapping from main memory to cache memory .the size of the tag bit is???

3 Answers

5 votes
5 votes

As per given data:
PAS = 2p  B

WS = 2w B

CS = 2n B

BS = 2m Words = 2m * 2w B = 2(m+w) B

K - way set associative

Tag Bit Set No Block Offset

# of lines = CS/BS = 2(n-m-w) 

# of sets = #of lines / K = 2(n-m-w)/K

Set_no: log [ 2(n-m-w)/K ] = n - m - w - log K

Tag Bit = p - set_no - block offset = p - n + log K

0 votes
0 votes
I think it will be

P - w-n-logk bits, assuming word addressable memory. Don't forget to add the offset bits also.

No. Of bits in offset is m,

No. Of bits in sets in w-m-n-logk

So, no of tag bits are p - set_bits + offset_bits.
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0 votes
Physical memory is of size 2^P bytes.
Each word is of size 2^W bytes.
Number of words in physical memory = 2^(P-W)
So the physical address is P-W bits
Cache size is 2^N bytes.
Number of words in the cache = 2^(N-W)
Block size is 2^M words
No. of blocks in the cache = 2^(N-W-M)
Since it is k-way set associative cache, each set in the cache will have k blocks.
No. of sets = 2^(N-W-M ) / k
SET bits = N-W-M-logk
Block offset = M
TAG bits = P-W-(N-M-W-logk)-M = P-W-N+M+W+logk-M = P - N + logk

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