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5 votes

The average of $20$ numbers is zero.Of them, at the most, how many may be greater than zero?

  1. $10$
  2. $19$
  3. $17$
  4. $9$
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3 Answers

Best answer
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4 votes
The average of 20 numbers is zero:

So,we can have :      [1+1+1+.............. +1 (19 times) -19 ] / 20

                                = [19 -19 ] / 20

                                = 0

b) 19 numbers are greater than 0.
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6 votes

Sum of 20 numbers = $20 * 0$ = $0$

∴ We've to find out atmost how many numbers from the 20 numbers are greater than $0$.

If the question asks us to find out at least then it could be 1. As we've to find out atmost, the answer will be $19$.

Because then only the sum of all 19 numbers would be something (assume $x$), and the 20th number will be $-x$

and hence, the sum of all possible numbers will be $0$ [∵ $x + (-x)$ = $0$]

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Its 19 because 19 numbers can be any value of +ve integer and the 20th no. will be -ve of sum of all the 19 numbers

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