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DU-chains(Definition-Use) in compiler design:

  1. consist of a definition of a variable and all its uses, reachable from that definition
  2. are created using a form static code analysis
  3. are prerequisite for many compiler optimization including constant propagation and common sub-expression elimination
  4. All of the above

2 Answers

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$\underline{\textbf{Explanation:}\Rightarrow}\;\mathrm {(d)}.$

$\underline{\textbf{Definition-Use Chain (DU Chain):}}$

It consists of definition(D) of a variable, and all the uses, U reachable from that definition without getting involved in other definitions.

$\underline{\textbf{Use-Definition Chain (UD Chain):}}$

It is a counterpart of Definition-Use Chain (DU Chain).

It is a $\color{blue}{\text{data structure}}$ that consists of use, $\mathbf U$, of a variable, and all the definitions $\mathbf{(D)}$ of that variable that can reach that use without getting involved in any other definitions.

  • UD Chain most of the time means $\color{blue}{\text{assigning}}$ some value to a variable.


  1. Knowing the use-def and def-use chains are helpful in compiler optimizations including constant propagation and common sub-expression elimination.
  2. Helpful in dead-code elimination.
  3. instruction reordering.
  4. (Implementation of ) scoping/shadowing.

Both of them are created by using $\color{magenta}{\textbf{Data flow analysis}}$. It is a form of $\color{blue}{\text{static code analysis}}$.


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