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Consider the following relational schema and instance R(ABC):

My Answer is 3 because When T1.A = 4 only 1 record will be printed with T2.A = 6 and likewise for when T1.A = 2 only one record will be printed but none for T1.A = 6. Am i right ?

2 Answers

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1 votes
Answer is 3 tuples but not because of the reasoning your provided.

In the inner related subquery "count *" is returned, i.e., number of tuples that match the condition T1.A < T2.A

If the subquery returns at least one record in its result set, the EXISTS clause will evaluate to true and the EXISTS condition will be met. If the subquery does not return any records, the EXISTS clause will evaluate to false and the EXISTS condition will not be met.

For T1.A=4, count * returns a single record with value 1. Thus row corresponding to A=4 is printed.

For T1.A=2, count * returns a single record with value 2. Thus row corresponding to A=2 is printed.

For T1.A=6, count * returns a single record with NULL. But since it is a record, even if it contains NULL, the EXISTS clause becomes true. Thus row corresponding to A=6 is printed.
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count(*) always provides a number(count) even though it may be 0 or some thing else (1,2,...etc)


therefore exists always true for each record..... that implies ans=no.of rows in your instance

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