2 Answers

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I think total no. Of states should be 4 ,check it if i done wrong somewhere please help me,

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Given is NFA first convert it into DFA then convert into Minimal DFA...

By converting NFA to DFA we get 9 ( = 8+1 DS) states and every state is unique therefore DFA is Minimal ===> no.of states in minimal DFA is 9.

the states in DFA are


                             ⋋                           a                         b


*q0                        q1                          q1                      q2

**q1                         -                             -                       q1q3

q2                        q3                           -                        -

**q1q3                     -                           q0q3                q1q2q3

q3                        -                            q0q3                      q2

q0q3                   q1                         q0q1q3                    q2

**q1q2q3               q3                        q0q3                      q1q2q3

**q0q1q3               q1                       q0q1q3                  q1q2q3


add Dead State as one more state and - in the transition leads to Dead state

By state equivalence theorem all are unique states....

* is intial state and ** are final states 

note that  ⋋ considered as input symbol not empty string
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