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f(1) will execute 1 time

f(2) will execute 2 times

f(3) will execute 3 times

..f(n) will execute n times

The time complexity of the program is 


instead of f(i) we can replace it and new program would look like




And this is O(n2) code segment.

Space complexity will be O(n) in worst case because say from n/2 to n iterations, each time we need an array of size O(n) and after the function is over, whole stack allocation (and in this stack allocation resides the array A[]) gets popped off.And we shouldn't be requiring more than O(n) space for this program.

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Time Complexity:

Clearly, for $f(i) $,

$T(i) = O(i)$

Now, we have to see how many times $f(i)$ is called for $1 <= i <= n$ and then add the corresponding execution times of each of the $f(i)$'s:

$f(1) , f(2) , f(4) , f(8) ,.... , f(2^{k})$

such that $2^{k} <= n < 2^{k + 1}$

Adding the corresponding times of execution:

$T(1) + T(2) + T(4) + T(8) + ..... + T(2^{k})$

$= O(1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ..... + 2^{k})$

$= O(2^{k + 1} - 1)$

$= O(2^{k + 1})$

$= O(2.2^{k})$

$= O(2n)$

$= O(n)$

Space Complexity:

For $f(i)$, the main requirement is to allocate space to $A[i]$ which is $O(i)$.

But once the function $f(i)$ has completed its execution, the space allocated to it is freed.

That means, next when we call $f(i + 1)$, $f(i)$ would not be occupying any space.

So, the maximum space required will be by the last function call: $f(2^{k})$ such that $2^{k} <= n < 2^{k + 1}$


$Space(n) = O(2^{k}) = O(n)$

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f(1)   ---n

f(2)   ---n

f(3)   ---n




f(n)   ---n

Time Complexity ----->  O(n2)

Space Complexity  ---> O(1)  no stack records no space req (like array of n var)

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