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Let P(x)-x is a baby

Q(x)- x is logical

R(x)-x is able to manage a crocodile

S(x)-x is despised.

Suppose that the domain consists of all people.Express each of the these statements using quantifiers

(a)Babies are illogical

(b)Nobody is despised who can manage a crocodile

(c)Illogical persons are despised

(d)Babies cannot manage crocodiles.

My Answers were

(a)∀x($P(x)\rightarrow \sim Q(x)$)

(b)$\sim$∃x(S(x) ^ R(x))

(c)∀x($\sim Q(x)\rightarrow S(x)$ )

(d)∀x($P(x)\rightarrow \sim R(x)$)

Please verify my answers.
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