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How to solve T(n) = T(n^(1/2)) + n by using master's theorem? if not by masters theorem give another approach.

3 Answers

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At first we convert into aT(n/2)+f(n) fome . And after we can apply master theorem.

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$\text{I'm trying to solve the recurrence relation:}$

$$T(n) = T(\sqrt n) + n$$

$\text{My first step was to let $n=2^{m}$}$

 $$T(2^m) = T(2^{m\cdot 1/2}) +2^{m}$$

$\text{if S(m) = $T(2^m)$ then,}$

$$S(m) = S(m/2) + 2^m$$

 $\text{This is an easier recurrence to solve.}$

$\text{If I try and use the Master Theorem, I calculate $n^{\log_b a}$}$

$\text{where a=1 and b=2 to be $n^{\log_2 1}$ which gives $n^0=1$.}$

$\text{It seems like this might be case 2 of the Master Theorem where }$

$\text{ $n^{\log_b a}$<f(n),where f(n)=$2^m$}$

$\text{According to master's condition T(n)=$\theta(f(n)(logn)^k)$where $k>=0$)}$


$\text{so,Ans is $T(n)=\theta(n)$}$
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Tree Method you can use

                n elements----------------------------cost is n

                n^1/2 elements---------------cost is n^1/2

                n^(1/2^2) elements-------------cost is n^(1/2^2)


              Similarly this will go up to log logn levels.....how i got it....  see this  n^(1/2^k)=2....

             solving this you will get k=loglogn where k in no. of levels

so you got series =n+n^1/2+n^(1/2^2)+................................+n^(1/2^loglogn) as its decreasing gp series sum would be O(n)

so your answer will be=O(n)

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