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consider the effect of using slow start on a line with propagation delay of 10 ms.The receiver window is 24 kB and the maximum segment size is 2 KB .how long does it take to send full window size segment in ms with initial threshold of 20 KB??

my attempt is

start with $ 2kB \ {\color{Red} |}\ 4kB{\color{Red} |}\ 8KB{\color{Red} |} \ 16KB{\color{Red} |}\ 18KB {\color{Red} |} \ 20KB\ {\color{Red} |} 22KB\  {\color{Red} |}24KB$    (${\color{Red} |}$ means RTT)

so total no. of RTT=7

RTT=2*10 ms=20 ms

total time=7*20=140 ms

answer is given 120 ms .correct me if i done any mistake
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1 Answer

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2 votes

Why are you taking 18kb??? After threshold we have to increse linearlly . But you are increse linearlly after 16kb . And thresold is 20kb.


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