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Can someone please help me understand these two points about minimum DFA and Minimum NFA, thank you

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3 Answers

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while converting NFA to DFA  number of states possible in DfA are between 1 to 2^n for n states NFA.

the same for the DFA if we have m states then the states in NFA could be log m to m states NFA.
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If we use the subset construction method to build the DFA and if the NFA has $n$ states, then the states in the DFA can be any subset of the $n$ states and we know that the total number of subsets of $Q$ is given by $P(Q)$ which is the powerset of Q.

To put it another way, if $n$ is the number of states of the DFA, it has $2^n$ subsets of states. Each subset corresponds to one of the possibilities that the DFA must remember, so the DFA must contain at most $2^n$ states.

I am not sure what minimisation of NFA means - it is not known to have any simple algorithm.
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for first statement->

NFA can have no transition for an input but for DFA there must be some transition so at max we need 2^n transition states.

for statement 2->

it is a reverse statement of first one NFA will have at max states equivalent to DFA

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