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How ME is satisfied ???

2 Answers

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Mutual Exclusion cant be satisfied here ....

Initially both Flag[0]= FALSE and Flag[1]=FALSE...Now if Both process executes the 2nd statement at the same time ....

Then For process 1... i=0.. Flag[1-0]=Flag[1]=FALSE .... and for 2nd process i=1..hence While(1-1)=while(0)=FLASE....hence for both process "while" case fails and both will enter INTO "CRITICAL SECTIONS"..so Mutx fails ...

Now what if We exchange line 2 and 3..then Mutx is there but ...."DEADLOCK CAN ALSO BE POSSIBLE"....

Case for DEADLOCK:

both process i=0 and i=1 will set Flag=TRUE...as a result in while loop both will stuck and process enters into Deadlock...

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