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2 Answers

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20 votes

Base Case :- When we have just root then, there are no non leaf nodes. So No of leaves $= 1$, No of non leaf nodes is $= 0$. Base case holds.

Induction Hypothesis :- Assume that now for $k$ internal nodes we will have $k+1$ leaves.

Inducting on no of leaves, Now we add $2$ more leaves to this tree. One of $k+1$ leaf will become internal node. So now we will have $k+1$ internal node. No of leafs will be $K+ 1 - 1$ ($1$ leaf just became internal node) $+ 2$(New leafs) . So we proved that for any binary tree, in which every non-leaf node has $2$-descendants, the number of leaves in the tree is one more than the number of non-leaf nodes.

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7 votes
7 votes
**descendents mean immediate child or no of node from that node to leaf ??

if immediate then :
let total n nodes are in binary tree.
2*non_leaf node  + 1 = total node
non leaf node = (total node -1)/2 = (n-1)/2
no of leaf node + no of nonleaf node = total node
no of leaf node + (n-1)/2 = n
no of leaf node = (n+1)/2
                            =  (n-1 + 2)/2
                            = (n - 1)/2 + 1
                            = no of non leaf node + 1

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