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Each I-node in file system has 5-direct pointers to disk blocks, 3 single indirect pointers to disk blocks, 2 double indirect pointers to disk blocks and nothing else. A disk block is 400 bytes . A pointer to a disk block is 10 byte. The entire disk contains 15000000 bytes at most. What is the total size of the entire file system.

(A) 1325250 bytes

(B) 1325000 bytes

(C) 1330000 bytes

(D) None.

1 Answer

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4 votes

In 1 Block no.of pointer stored = $\frac{400 \text{bytes}}{10 \text{bytes}} = 40$

Total size of entire file system $= (5 + 3 \times 40 + 2 \times 40 \times 40  )\times 400 \text{bytes} = 1330000 \text{bytes}$

Option C.

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