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Why the code is not showing correct sorting ?(here pivot is smaller index element, i.e. arr[low])

#include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <time.h>
    void fillArray(int array[], int n)
    	time_t t;
    	time(&t);//get current time
    	srand(t);//gives current time as seed for random number generator
    	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    		array[i] = rand()%(10*n);//Doing mod to avoid very large numbers
    void printArray(int array[], int n)
    	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    		printf("\n%d ", array[i]);
    void swap(int *a, int *b)
    	int temp = *a;
    	*a = *b;
    	*b = temp;
int partition (int arr[], int low, int high)
	int j;
	static int swap1=0;
	static int swap2=0;
    int pivot = arr[low];    // pivot
    int i = (low);  // Index of smaller element
    for (j = low+1; j <= high; j++)
        // If current element is smaller than or
        // equal to pivot
        if (arr[j] <= pivot)
            i++;    // increment index of smaller element
            swap(&arr[i], &arr[j]);
    swap(&arr[i], &arr[low]);
    printf("Total number of swaps:%d",(swap1+swap2));
    return (i + 1);
 void quickSort(int arr[], int low, int high)
    if (low < high)
        /* pi is partitioning index, arr[p] is now
           at right place */
        int pi = partition(arr, low, high);
        // Separately sort elements before
        // partition and after partition
        quickSort(arr, low, pi - 1);
        quickSort(arr, pi + 1, high);
    int main()
    	int * array, n=5;
		int low=0;
    	//printf("Enter the no. of numbers: ");
    	//scanf("%d", &n);
    	array = malloc(n * sizeof(int));
    	fillArray(array, n);
    	printArray(array, n);
    	return 0;


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