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2 Answers

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Sorting algo Worst case Occurs  Best case occurs

Selection sort, 

insertion sort,

Bubble sort

When given elements are already sorted in reverse order of your desired sorting, eg: you want to sort in ascending But given elements are in already descending  When given elements are already sorted in your desired sorting order.
Quick sort When elements are sorted in either ascending or descending or all elements are equal all other then given worst case is best case
merge sort

 The worst case of merge sort will be the one where merge sort will have to do maximum number of comparisons.

other then worst is best case
Counting Sort not in GATE syllabus not in GATE syllabus
 Bucket Sort not in GATE syllabus not in GATE syllabus


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0 votes
SS and IS :: $ 54321 $

MS ::: it takes same time for best and worst (whatever input it is) $ O(n logn) $

QS :: Inputs are in ascending order or descending order or All elements are same.

BS ::  It performs at  $O(n^2)$ when all elements at allocated to the same bucket.

CS :: When range is too high. EX - $[1,1000,2,6]$

BS :: Sorted in reverse order. $[5,4,3,2,1]$

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