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An n-bit binary string is selected uniformly at random.For a k $\geq$ 1,what is the probability of selecting an n-bit string in which there is a substring of length at least k in which each bit is a 1?

2 Answers

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For an n bit binary string there are 2 options for each of the bit i.e each bit can be either 1 or 0. So for an n bit binary no. total no of combinations is :2^n. Now we have to find the probability that out of these there is a substring of length at least k which contains all 1's So that implies for atleast k values we dont have any choice they all are ones where as for the rest n-k bits we have a choice. So the no of substrings for them in this case is : 2^(n-k)


I guess this is the ans for this ques.

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