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$D = \left \{ M \mid \ M \text{ is a TM that accepts the input string } x \right \}$

What is complement of D and is it Decidable, Turing recognizable or not Turing recognizable?
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As it stands, the question doesn't make sense. A language contains a set of strings, not a TM or a DFA or whatever.

So, the more appropriate question to ask would be to ask the properties of:

$$A_{TM} = \{<M,w> | \, \text{M is a TM which accepts w}\}$$

Now, we by the diagonalisation argument, we know that the given language is undecidable.

We can also prove it is Turing recognisable by creating a Universal TM which does the following:

1. Run the TM on the string $w$. If it ever enters its accept state, accept.
2. If it ever enters its reject, reject.

Thus, we've proven that $A_{TM}$ is both Turing Recognisable and undecidable.

Now, we also know that $L$ is decidable if and only if both $L$ and $L'$ are Turing recognisable.

Making use of this theorem, we can conclude that $\overline{A_{TM}}$ is not Turing recognisable because if it were, it would make $A_{TM}$ decidable.

I hope this helps.
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